2024/12/19 03:24:42
Program of Arabic Education (PBA) is one of the program at the Department of Tarbiyah (current, the Program of Islamic Education), the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI), the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. It was established independently from the department since 2014 due to the Regulation of the Study Program Establishment No. 1340/2014 (March 7, 2014) issued by the Director of Islamic Education, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kementerian Agama RI).
This program has established to be the solution of the problems of the development of Arabic (language) in Indonesia. It aims to produce professional Arabic teachers and educators. It has projected itself to become an educational institution that is able to transform "the negative image" of studying Arabic (which students find it difficult to comprehend) to become "positive" (easy to understand, being inovative and fun).
This program is also crucial to support the development of Islamic studies in the faculty and to encourage the sophistication of science based on the Islamic values.
The Program of Arabic Education wants to be the great and competitive educational institution in the national level in dealing with the development of the technology of Arabic education in 2030.
For further information of the program, click Prodi PBA