2024/12/19 03:24:42
The Program of Shariah Economis, the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI), the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was established in 2012. Its establishment was based on the Regulation of the General Director of the Islamic Education, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic Indonesia No. 1891/2012 on the Establishment of the Program of Study at Undergraduate Level (S1).
Following the fundamental motto of UMM, "From Muhammadiyah to the Nation," this program aims at producing scholars those who have special competencies of the Shariah Economics, and also moral and intellectual intergity. The program's alumni will be able to forge their career, especially as experts of Shariah Economics, entrepreneurs, bankers, and other professional positions.
Becoming the prestigious program of study which has contributed to the development of Islamic values-based economics (Shariah Economics) in the national level in 2030.
Further information about the program, klik Prodi Ekos.