In the second day of the O-Weeks of the FAI UMM's new students (Pesmaba), they are yelling "physical distancing." It seems that they are cheerfully enjoying the FAI fun program to do such performance of campaigning the physical distancing as one of the important matters to prevent the Coronavirus infections. They join in some groups (each consists of 10 students) to win the game that they have played.
There are 243 new students in this year and they have been divided into two groups: 97 students have come to campus and 146 students have joined the program by online. This program has been designed to strictly follow the Covid-19 protocol due to everyone should deal with the new normal rule.
The next sessions have been welcoming and conducting performance by some Muhammadiyah otonomous organisations such as Hizbul Wathan (scout), Tapak Suci (martial arts organisation) dan Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (Muhammadiyah Student Association).
The next session has been seminar and acting as a speaker is the Pesmaba coordinator, R. Tanzil Fawaiq Sayyaf. He has explained the spirit of UMM as the great campus (Kampus Unggul) which has strongly encouraged students to collaborate each other in order to make the best academic and intellectual innovations and achievements.
The last session, one of the new sutdents has read a poem in the stage entitled "Jangan Lupakan Bima" (Don't forget Bima). He has expressed his idea and experience as a boy of the outermost and remote area. For him, the most important misson of young generations is to protect their environment.[]