Mohammad Asep, an alumnus of the Program of Islamic Family Law, the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI) holds his Bachelor of Laws (LLB) majoring in Islamic Law on Monday, October 19, 2020. He achieves the university top one position at the 97th UMM Graduation, the Third Period in 2020. As the Saroni's last son, he has completed his study with an almost perfect of GPA (3.99).
Asep defended his undergraduate honour thesis on the special topic of religion and disability (Critiques on the Nahdlatul 'Ulama's Fiqh of Disabilty: A Maqashidi Point of View) under the supervision of Hasnan Bachtiar, LLB, MIMWADV. In the thesis examination, his thesis was marked as high distinction/H1. Currently, he has prepared for his academic publications (journal articles).
He finished his secondary education in the Modern Islamic Boarding School of Darussalam Gontor. From this place, he had studied Arabic and English. Due to this foundational education, he has been able to easily comprehend Arabic and English literatures. For the next agenda, he has pursued to get his postgraduate education. "After my graduation at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, I would like to go abroad. I plan to have my LLM from the best university either in Australia, United Kindom or the Netherlands. Now, I do my best to take IELTS test as a main requirement of study application" He adds.
During his study, he had also joined in the Islamic Studies Forum of the Faculty of Islamic Studies UMM and later he had been elected as the forum's leader. In addition, he had worked professionally as research assistant at the Ulumuddin: Journal of Islamic Legal Studies. In the field of student activism, he had engaged to the Muhammadiyah Student Association (Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah).
In his daily activity, he loves reading books and writing. He has published many popular articles in various online media covering crucial issues of religion and society. One of his important work was published in the accredited journal of Islamic studies (Hasnan Bachtiar, Luciana Anggraeni and Mohammad Asep, "Rethinking The Contemporary Discourse of Jihad," Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam 9 (2) 2019: 306-325).
He, furthermore, wants to realise his dream to become an expert in the field of Islamic law and the issues of disabilty. Asep who was born in Indramayu, West Java, strongly will struggle for his postgraduate degree in the best universities in the world. His motivation of study has been forged by his lecturers, especially Pradana Boy Zulian, Ph.D and Hasnan Bachtiar, LLB, MIMWADV; both are alumni of National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Australian National University (ANU) respectively.[]